Sunday, May 28, 2017

First Hellenic Translation of Poe: "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" by E. Rhoides (1877) [1]

As I have formerly noted in a previous post, Poe's first work to have been translated into Greek was "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" in an 1877 issue of Παρνασσός. Emmanuel Rhoides was responsible for this exquisite introduction and he never hid his enthusiasm for Poe. 

Below, you may find the first pages from the original issue of the aforementioned literary journal. The issue, more than 140 years old, is priceless and it is still maintained by the literary association "Parnassus" in Athens. In future posts I will attempt to offer images from the entire issue, since the arrival of Poe's works in Greece is an insufficiently explored topic in the field of Poe studies. 

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