Saturday, April 22, 2017

Poe's Spaces in "The Following"- by M. Rigal Aragon & JM Correoso-Rodenas

Poe's spaces have been examined in the past by several studies since the complexity of the American author's use of spaces has shaped crime fiction. Poe's storytelling has, beyond doubt, affected popular culture and the cinema as well. Movies such as The Tomb of Ligeia (1964), Two Evil Eyes (1990), Lunacy (2005), or, more recently, the Tell-Tale (2009) prove this claim.

Margarita Rigal Aragon, president of "The Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association," and Jose Manuel Correoso Rodenas, Ph.D. Candidate of the University of Castilla-La Mancha have recently published an essay in which they examine the presence of Poe's spaces in "The Following" (2013-to date), a TV show created by Kevin Williamson starring Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy. 

In their study, these two Poe scholars meticulously explore the Poeian spaces ever since the first episode, concluding that "the series is, indeed, full of piquerist manifestations" (2017: 31). Their conclusions ultimately point out the fact that the directors have read and analyzed Poe's tales while also arguing that "perhaps unaware of it, Williamson and his team have managed to assemble a series in which spaces resonate with Burke's idea of the sublime, the idea present in Poe's own understanding of terror" (2017: 31). 

You may find Rigal Aragon's and Correoso Rodena's entire essay here

Works Cited

Rigal Aragon, Margarita, and Jose Manuel Correoso-Rodenas. "Poe's Spaces and The Following." Studia Neurophilologica 89.1 (2017): 14-33.

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