Tuesday, April 11, 2017

13th SAAS Conference- Poe Studies Panel (2)

During the 13th Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS) at Caceres, Spain, Poe's impact in the Spanish letters did not escape scholars' attention. Celia López González's lecture, titled "The Reception of Poe in Spanish: Spread Words in ‘The Purloined Letter’," was an interesting exploration of Poe's impact in the Hispanic world. Lopez pointed out that "The Purloined Letter" has been the most misinterpreted work in Spain in the twentieth and the twenty-first century even though it was the least translated work there during the nineteenth century. 

Celia Lopez Gonzalez, Ph. D. Candidate of the University of Castilla-La Mancha 

After dividing Poe's reception in Spain into three periods (the nineteenth century; the period between 1940 and 1960; and the bicentennial of Poe's birth), Celia López focused on four different Spanish translations of "The Purloined Letter" in order to demonstrate the obvious differences among them as the decades pass. In her analysis she made mention of several translating patterns, mentioning the words "utilitarian approach," "domestication," and "foreignization". 

Despite the fact that Lopez indicated a vast difference among translations, she also mentioned that the determination of their quality is only "a matter of scope".    

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